1. In food webs which process produces the chemical energy found in carbon compounds?
  • A.   Consumption
  • B     Photosynthesis
  • C.    Respiration
  • D.    Decomposition

2+3: These questions are about an arctic food web:


c.c. BY-SA 3.0

2. In the food web above, determine the main energy transfers for phyto-plankton and herbivorous zooplankton.

  Phyto-plankton Herbivorous zooplankton
A. chemical heat chemical kinetic
B. light chemical chemical heat
C. light heat chemical kinetic
D. light chemical chemical light
3. Only a small proportion of the energy harvested by phyto-plankton is passed to the herbivorous zooplankton. Which process in phyto-plankton results in the largest loss of energy that could otherwise be passed on?
  • A.   Homeostasis
  • B.   Reproduction
  • C.   Respiration
  • D.   Excretion
4. Which of these cannot be recycled in an ecosystem?
  • A.   Nitrogen compounds
  • B.   Biomass
  • C.   Heat
  • D.   Oxygen
5. What are the units of energy used in quantitative representations of energy flow using pyramids of energy?
  • A.   kJ kg-1
  • B.   kJ m-2 year-1
  • C.   kJ kg-1 year-1
  • D.   kJ
6. What is the main factor that restricts the length of food chains in an ecosystem?
  • A.   Predation
  • B.   Herbivory
  • C    Energy loss
  • D.   Decomposition
7. In most terrestrial ecosystems what happens to each trophic level as you move through a food chain?


I. A decrease in biomass
II. A decrease in energy
III. A decrease in numbers
  • A.   I only
  • B.   I and II only
  • C.   II and III only
  • D.   I, II and III
8. What percentage of energy is usually lost between trophic levels?
  • A.   10 %
  • B.   50 %
  • C.   80 %
  • D.   90%
9. Which of the following forms of energy is the least useful in an ecosystem?
  • A.   Light energy
  • B.   Heat energy
  • C.   Chemical energy in producers
  • D.   Chemical energy in consumers

10. Which of the following statements about pyramids of energy are not correct?

food pyramid - Wikimedia

  • A.   Energy is lost through respiration
  • B.   Energy is lost as heat
  • C.   Energy is passed on as chemical energy
  • D.   Energy is passed on as kinetic energy