10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

1. Two teams are pulling on a rope. (A 'tug-of-war'). The arrows show the sizes of the forces.  

The total force ('resultant force' is)...

  • A. zero - the forces are balanced.
  • B. 1000 N to the left.
  • C. 1000 N to the right.
  • D. 5000 N to the right.

2. Which of these is NOT a type of force?

  • A. Magnetism
  • B. Air resistance
  • C. Velocity
  • D. Friction

3. An unbalanced force on a squash ball can do many things, but it CANNOT...

  • A. change the mass of the ball.
  • B. change the speed of the ball.
  • C. change the shape of the ball.
  • D. change the direction of motion of the ball.


Q 4-8. A squash ball is dropped from a tall building . What are the missing words in this passage?

squash ball
As the ball accelerates, the downwards force
of gravity on it ,
whilst the air resistance .
Eventually the two forces are .
The resultant force on the ball is now .
This means it stays at a constant speed,
called the .

9. Which of these graphs shows the velocity of the squash ball as it falls?

v-t graphs x4

10. A battery powered toy car has many forces acting on it when moving across the floor. Which of these diagrams show the correct sized arrows for the car accelerating to the right?